Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist - Movie Edition

So everyone loved the book. I didn't. Which bothered me - because when EVERYONE loves something so much you want to like it too. You wonder why you can't connect to it. At least I do... Anyhow, I figured I would give the movie a chance. Love Michael Cera - even if he is essentially the same character in every movie. He's so cute. And he wasn't exactly the same in this. I thought he showed a bit more seriousness.

Soooooo.....the movie totally freakin' charmed me. It's like someone read my mind and took out every single thing that bothered me about the book and kept all the good parts. It was fabulous. That awful almost sex scene in the ice room at a hotel? GONE! The gratuitius swearing? GONE! The strange irritating band references? GONE!

The one thing that would have made it perfect? Michael Cera wearing this hat. I just felt like he should have been wearing something like that.


Kelly said...

Oh, cool...I'm glad to hear the movie is good! I'll add it to my list. :)

joanna said...

Another movie I still havne't seen, but then this one is directly responsible for my bookcart tango to the floor and 3 weeks with my arm in a sling.

Patti said...

Dude...I don't blame you if you never want to see it!

kajal said...

Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist movie is aAwesome movie.... i also like the hat of Michael Cera.... Really very interesting movie... i watch Nick and Norahs Infinite Playlist movie last night......